All students must sit exams at the end of school. Mid-Semester Progress Reports for students are distributed at the middle of each semester, usually during October and March. First semester ends in January. Parents are urged to come and pick up report cards during the week prior to the second semester and to discuss their daughter’s/ward’s progress with her teachers.
Second semester report cards are sent home with the students except for students who need to discuss repeating whose parent’s must collect report cards from the principal. At the end of their senior year, students are expected to sit the Caribbean Examination Council (CXC) CSEC General in their selected course of study.
The Academy grading policy requires that a grade of 70/C is the minimum grade that would be regarded as a “passing grade.”
Accumulated daily grade marks will be awarded at the end of first semester. There is a final exam at the end of the second semester, representing 1/4 of the end of semester grade.
The exams for first, second and third forms are based on the second semester work. The exam for fourth forms is summative representing all material covered in fourth form.
The averages of both semesters will give the annual average.
These reflect the work accomplished in small segments of the courses. They may be oral as well as written. Tests are generally announced at least one week in advance. Students should have no more than (3) three tests on a given day and not less than (4) four tests per semester.
These are short check-ups on specific content. They are usually of a short duration and need not be announced. Make-Up Policy for Quizzes: For students with excused absences, it is up to the teacher to determine if a quiz is to be made up. If it is not to be made up, the student is to receive NO penalty for this.